Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Angel In Heaven Jose Rosa

Hello Everyone, My name is Nancy. This Blog was created in Memory of my son Jose Juan. He was 23 years old when God decided to take him home, he was a wonderful and loving son he was the greatest person that anyone would want.He was a smart and funny person he would make everyone laugh and would give you his shirt off his back.It 's almost two years since he left his home on earth to walk with the almighty Lord.I can't tell anyone what unbearable pain I feel without him in my life.I mostly try to remember the good times we had as a family. I can say without a doubt in my mind that I admire your strength, as what i through was your weakness, was truly your strong sprite and your passion for life. Your laid back style made me think you were not sincere about things, but amazingly, you just never sweated the small stuff. As much as I wanted you to be like me. I truly wish that one day I will be happy again.You are an amazing Son, Father, and Brother and my life is not the same without you.

The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life. I remember you beautiful brown eyes blinking as they laid you next to me. from that moment on i always loved your eyes and your infectious smile. Seeing your face always brought me joy. I was proud of your accomplishments and I wanted so much more for you. I didn't tell you how much I was looking forward to being a grandmom to Uniq'and what a wonderful father you would make. I know you have her in your heart all the time. You are in Paradise with God and that brings more relief to know that you have no pain and that your soul are in an everlasting love and relationship with Him.

Some of the things that make me happy as I remember your life were that you would enjoy the holidays so much. Turkey carving, you would always say i got the leg, Caesar would say I got the wing, opening Christmas presents and our trips to Dorney Park was the best. I remember the day you told me come on mom this ride is so much fun and not scary, I got on that roller coaster with you and boy I thought I was going to have a Heart Attack all you kept saying to me was mom you ok and then you laughed at me. That was so funny. I was always so happy to see you, and when your car was coming down the street I knew it was you by the loud music. I miss that.I would be so excited that you decided to grace us with your presence. Fatima would say Jose's here. So many funny things you did as a child and as a young man made me laugh. The way you slept all cuddled under the blanket with Reeses your bear that you loved he was so flat but you carry him everywhere you went. You had a gift for making people smile with your little ways, like the tilt of your head when you smiled and were truly happy. I admired the way you were with your sisters and brother. You were never jealous of them, only deep profound love for them and there needs always came before your own. Your impact on our lives is never forgotten, my love.

As I remember your life today, I will grieve, with a heavy heart. I will think of you as I always did, as my son, precious and strong willed. Your intense love for those who were young or old handicapped or weak. You had a gift for those people less fortunate than yourself, and wanted to make an impact on their lives and you did. I am grateful for the twenty three years God had given me to be with you and I always think of you every day with a smile on my face knowing you were a blessing to me and those around you.

I Love You my darling and I miss you every day. May you rest in peace and while you bask in the Glory of God and His almighty Kingdom. He prepared a place for you as He promised . We will be together again someday and when we do, it will be again, the happiest day of my life. Knowing that where your at brings me comfort. Bye Jose till we meet again. I Love You. Mom

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